1. These emulated Amiga software programs consist of demos and music disks from 20 years of community coding. A thank you to the Scripted Amiga Emulator project, as well as db48x and bai, for all the hard work with this experiment.
  2. Kickstart v3.1 rev 40.68 (1993)(Commodore)(A1200).

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The Amiga provided a significant upgrade from 8-bit computers, such as the Commodore 64, and the platform quickly grew in popularity among computer enthusiasts. The name 'Amiga' was chosen because it is the Spanish word for (female) friend, and alphabetically it.

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All Amiga computers (except A1000) are shipped with a built-in ROM chip. Getting ROMs for Amiga emulation. A common reason for obtaining the Amiga ROMs is emulation. The most popular Amiga emulator is WinUAE, which due to licensing reasons doesn't include the original Amiga Kickstart ROM. A fast and easy way to get Amiga ROMs is to download. Amiga Vision Tutorial (19xx)(-)(Disk 2 of 2) 120 Ko Amiga Vision v1.53 (1990)(IMSATT). Kickstart 2.0 488 Ko Demo Maniac v2.19 (19xx)(Nico Schmidtchen)(Disk 1 of 2) 340 Ko Demo Maniac v2.19 (19xx)(Nico Schmidtchen)(Disk 2 of 2) 670 Ko.

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The Amiga was a family of personal computers released by Commodore in the 1980's and 1990's.

EmulatorRom FolderExtensionBIOSController Config
Amiberryamiga.lha .zip .uae .adf .dms .fdi .ipf .hdf .hdzkick33180.A500, kick34005.A500, kick40068.A1200/opt/retropie/configs/amiga/retroarch.cfg
lr-puaeamiga.zip .uae .adf .dms .fdi .ipf .hdf .hdz .m3ukick34005.A500, kick40063.A600, kick40068.A1200/opt/retropie/configs/amiga/retroarch.cfg
UAE4ALL2amiga.adfkick12.rom, kick13.rom, kick20.rom, kick31.romHardcoded
UAE4ARMamiga.zip .adf .dms .exe .adz .rp9kick13.rom, kick20.rom, kick31.romHardcoded

Emulators: Amiberry

Amiberry is a fork of UAE4ARM with support for WHDLoad, which offers a better console-like experience.

Please refer to the official Amiberry wiki for a detailed step-by-step installation and config guide.


For the optimal Amiberry experience, it is recommended that pre-installed WHDLoad packages are used. Amiberry has been designed to have compatibility with the 'Retroplay' WHDLoad packs. For more information on WHDLoad packages, see here.

Accepted File Extensions: .lha

Place your WHDLoad packages in

More information on adding game data can be found here.


Full documentation on the Kickstart roms required by Amiberry can be found here.

Place your Kickstart roms in


Amiberry makes use the RetroArch configs created during Controller Configuration. Consequently, Hotkey+X will bring up the UI and Hotkey+Start can be used to exit Amiberry. For full documentation, please refer here.

Default controller choice can be edited in /opt/retropie/configs/amiga/amiberry/whdboot/hostprefs.conf. It is also possible to set the default controller choice as well as other Amiberry settings for individual games. For full documentation, please refer here.

It is possible to customise controls for individual games using the Amiberry UI. For full documentation, please refer here.

Emulator: lr-puae

lr-puae is an experimental emulator. It can be installed from the experimental section of the RetroPie-Setup Script.


Place your desired Kickstart ROMs in:

To use disk and WHDLoad games with this core you'll need the following Kickstart ROMs. Rename them to the given name and copy the file to RetroArch system directory.

It is critical to use Kickstarts with the right MD5, otherwise the core might not start.

kick34005.A500Kickstart v1.3 (Rev. 34.005)Amiga 50082a21c1890cae844b3df741f2762d48d
kick40063.A600Kickstart v3.1 (Rev. 40.063)Amiga 600e40a5dfb3d017ba8779faba30cbd1c8e
kick40068.A1200Kickstart v3.1 (Rev. 40.068)Amiga 1200646773759326fbac3b2311fd8c8793ee


lr-puae utilizes Retroarch configurations.

Add custom retroarch controls to the retroarch.cfg file in

For more information on custom RetroArch controls see: RetroArch Configuration

L2Show/Hide status
R2Sound on/off
LToggle Num Joy
RChange Mouse speed 1 to 6 (for gui and emu)
SelectToggle Mouse/Joy mode
StartShow/Hide vkbd
AFire/Mouse btn A / Valid key in virtual keyboard
BMouse btn B
YEmulator GUI

Retroarch configs

SettingChoices (default in bold)Notes
ModelA500 / A600 / A1200This setting predefines a range of other settings including CPU, memory, and which Kickstart BIOS to use.
Video standardPAL / NTSCMost software is PAL.
High resolutiontrue / falseIf off, high-res Amiga screens will have their horizontal resolution halved (only every other horizontal pixel will be drawn). Most classic games employ low-resolution screens.
Crop overscantrue / falseCrops the overscan, which may result in clipped images in some games. A combination of NTSC and overscan settings will let you achieve all the possible resolutions for the Amiga screen; see the table under 'Rendering' in the docs.
Use analogfalse / true
LEDsstandard / simplified / noneShows drive activity and power LEDs at the bottom right.
CPU speedreal / max'real' is recommended for games designed to run on an A500-class Amiga but which won't work on faster Amigas. This includes many classic Amiga games. If set to 'max', the CPU emulation will run at the maximum speed that the host CPU can achieve. lr-puae will spend as much time as it can emulating the 68000 CPU and will not wait at all per frame.
CPU compatiblefalse / trueIf enabled, E-UAE will use a slower but more compatible version of the CPU false emulation. This may be necessary to run some some demos and games correctly.
Sound outputnone / interrupts / normal / exact* none - audio emulation is disabled. * interrupts - audio emulation is enabled but audio output is disabled. * normal - audio emulation is enabled and output enabled. * exact - audio emulation is enabled and exact output enabled.
Sound frequency11025 / 22050 / 44100The frequency of emulated audio output in Hertz. Typically, higher frequencies will require more work, but have better quality.
Sound channelsmono / stereo / mixedThe Amiga supports 4-voice stereo sound, with two channels output on the left channel and two on the right. mono - monophonic output; all Amiga voices are output on a single channel. stereo - stereo output; two Amiga voices are output on the left channel and two on the right. mixed - stereo output; the four Amiga voices are mixed and output on both left and right channels.
Sound interpolationnone / rh / crux / sincInterpolation is a technique which 'smoothes out' the audio. The three other choices are different algorithms for it which may give varying results and performance hits.
Floppy speed100 / 200 / 300 / 400 / 500 / 600 / 700 / 800Valid values are 1x to 8x the speed of a standard Amiga floppy drive. Values other than 100 may affect compatibility with Amiga software, especially the floppy-based copy-protection systems included with some games.
Immediate blittrue / falseIf enabled then blits performed by the Amiga chipset emulation will be reported as finishing immediately. This may improve performance at the price of compatibility.
NTSC chipsettrue / falseSet this to match the video system
Correct aspect ratiotrue / false
Vertical centeringnone / simple / smartUsed for centering the screen vertically within the emulator display (which is then positioned by the Retroarch display)
Horizontal centeringnone / simple / smartSee above.


Place your Amiga ROMs and configuration files in

extensionfile descriptionrequirements
.uaetext config file pointing to .hdf, .adf, or .ipfneeds to be created per ROM
.adfdisk imageloads directly
.adzzipped disk image, seems rarenot supported
.dmsdisk image, seems rareloads directly
.fdidisk image, seems rareloads directly
.ipfdisk imagerequires capsimg.so in retroarch directory
.hdfhard disk imagerequires WHDLoad set up
.hdzzipped hard disk imagerequires WHDLoad set up
.m3utext config fileneeds to be created for multidisk games
.zipmust contain an .adf, .hdf, or .ipfunzip is handled by Retroarch
.lhazipped hard disk image in an Amiga-specific compression format, not handled by lr-puaeunzip is handled within the emulator

One thing that Amiga enthusiasts seem to point out repeatedly is that although you may be able to expand an .lha file on Windows, you often shouldn't; the Amiga operating system and Windows don't always agree on paths and special characters, with the result that you can corrupt the file when unzipping it.

Disk images, WHDLoad and M3U support

You can pass a disk or hdd image (WHDLoad) as a rom.

Supported format are :- .adf, .dms, .fdi, .ipf, .zip files for disk images. Note that .ipf files require additional files, see below.- .hdf, .hdz for hdd images. Note that hdd images require WHDLoad to be set up, see below.- .m3u for multiple disk images. Note that these have special requirements, see below.

Note that .lha files are not supported. If you want to use the 'RetroPlay' WHDLoad set, there is a conversion script here that can convert the roms into a format playable with lr-puae.

When passing a disk image, a hdd image or a m3u file as parameter the core will generate a temporary puae_libretro.uae configuration file in RetroArch saves directory and use it to automatically launch the game.


To generate the temporary .uae configuration file the core will use the core options configured in RetroArch.

The most important option is the model.

Three models are provided (hardcoded configuration) :

A500Simulate an Amiga 500 with OCS chipset, 1MB of RAM and 1.8MB of slow memory expansion (bogomem).
A600Simulate an Amiga 600 with ECS chipset, 1MB of RAM and 4MB of fast memory expansion.
A1200Simulate an Amiga 1200 with AGA chipset, 2MB of RAM and 8MB of fast memory expansion.

As the configuration file is only generated when launching a game you must restart RetroArch for the changes to take effects.

IPF Support

Most full-price commercial Amiga games had some form of custom disk format and/or copy protection on them. For this reason, most commercial Amiga games cannot be stored in ADF files unaltered, but there is an alternative called Interchangeable Preservation Format (IPF) which was specifically designed for this purpose.

IPF support is done through the CAPSIMG library. To enable it you have to put a dynamic library called capsimg.dll (Windows) or capsimg.so (Linux, macOS) in your retroarch root directory (where the retroarch executable is located; in a default install, this is /opt/retropie/emulators/retroarch/bin/).

On linux system (x86 or x86_64) correct architecture library must copied into BIOS folder instead of retroarch/bin folder.

Compatible CAPSIMG libraries for Windows, macOS and Linux can be found at https://fs-uae.net/download#plugins

Please be aware that there are 32-bit and 64-bit versions of the library. Mortal kombat x serial key. Choose the one corresponding to your RetroArch executable.

As of July 1 2019, .ipf support may not work on Raspberry Pi, though it is apparently working on Windows.

M3U Support

When you have a multi disk game, you can use an .m3u file to specify each disk of the game and change them from the RetroArch Disk control interface.

An M3U file is a simple text file with one disk per line (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/M3U).

Example :

Simpsons, The - Bart vs. The Space Mutants.m3u

Path can be absolute or relative to the location of the M3U file.

When a game asks for it, you can change the current disk in the RetroArch 'Disk Control' menu :- Eject the current disk with 'Disk Cycle Tray Status'.- Select the right disk index.- Insert the new disk with 'Disk Cycle Tray Status'.

Note : zip support is provided by RetroArch and is done before passing the game to the core. So, when using a m3u file, the specified disk image must be uncompressed (.adf, .dms, .fdi, .ipf file formats).


To use WHDLoad games you'll need to have a prepared WHDLoad image named 'WHDLoad.hdf' in RetroArch system directory (~/RetroPie/BIOS).

In this WHDLoad image you must have the three kickstart roms (kick34005.A500, kick40063.A600, kick40068.A1200) in the 'Dev/Kickstart' directory.

To do this, you can consult the excellent tutorial made by Allan Lindqvist just jump to the 'Create WHDLoad.hdf' section.

The core only supports HDD image files format (hdf and hdz) and slave file must be named 'game.slave'.

Create a hdf file for a game

If you have a WHDLoad game in a zip or a directory, you will have to create an image file.

To do this you can use ADFOpus or amitools.

Example, to create a hdf file from a zipped WHDLoad game :- Extract files from the zip to a directory.- Go to the directory where files were extracted.- Rename the main slave file (ending with '.Slave') to 'game.Slave' (certain games have many slave files, guess which is the right one).- Pack the directory in a hdf file : - Using ADFOpus (see Allan Lindqvist's tutorial). - Using amitools.

The amitools command to use is :

Note the size of the HDF specified by SIZE_OF_HDF must be greater than size of the directory to store the additional filesystem informations (I use a 1.25 ratio).

Many files out there have a directory structure that looks like this:

This will not work in lr-puae. You can use ADF Opus to create an HDF file that looks like this:

The two big changes:1. there isn't a folder at the top level. If your .slave file isn't at the top level of the .hdf, you will get a DOS window popup stating 'DOS Error #205 (object not found) on reading '.slave'.2. Instead of .slave, that file must be named game.slave. It doesn't matter (despite what you may see on the net) whether it's .Slave or .slave, based on my testing.

If you want to use the 'RetroPlay' WHDLoad set, there is a conversion script here that can do all the above on Raspberry Pi and convert the roms into a format playable with lr-puae.

Game that needs a specific Amiga model (AGA games for instance)

If a game needs a specific Amiga model (AGA games for instance), you can specify which amiga model to use.

To do this just add these strings to your adf, hdf or m3u filename :

  • '(A500)' or '(OCS)' to use an Amiga 500 model.
  • '(A600)' or '(ECS)' to use an Amiga 600 model.
  • '(A1200)' or '(AGA)' to use an Amiga 1200 model.

Example : When launching 'Alien Breed 2 (AGA).hdf' file the core will use an Amiga 1200 model.

If no special string is found the core will use the model configured in core options.

.uae: Using a configuration file for your games

You can pass an '.uae' configuration file as a rom and the core will load the settings and start emulation without first showing the gui.

Look at the sample configuration file 'Lemmings.uae' for help (see below). You can use that sample as a starting point for making your own configuration files for each of your games.

You can find the whole documentation in configuration.txt.

lr-puae auto-generates a .uae file called /roms/amiga/puae_libretro.uae based on your Retroarch settings, but you can create them manually, pointing to the ADF and Kickstart ROM like this:

Files may be .hdf or .adf. Note that .m3u files are not supported.

Below is a sample to use as a template for creating your own .uae file. If you want to use more than one floppy disks, you need to activate them via floppy1type=0, floppy2type=0, etc.

Resolution and rendering

A said in P-UAE configuration.txt:

Three parameters control the output resolution of the core :

Video standardPAL, NTSCPAL
High resolutionfalse, truefalse
Crop overscanfalse, truefalse

With this settings all the standards resolutions of the amiga are available :* 360x284: PAL Low resolution with overscan* 320x256: PAL Low resolution cropped/clipped (without the 'borders')* 360x240: NTSC Low resolution with overscan* 320×200: NTSC Low resolution cropped/clipped (without the 'borders')* 720x568: PAL High resolution with overscan* 640×512: PAL High resolution cropped/clipped (without the 'borders')* 720x480: NTSC High resolution with overscan* 640×400: NTSC High resolution cropped/clipped (without the 'borders')

When using a high resolution mode, rendering will be doubled horizontally and vertically for low res games. It's compatible with High res games and the Workbench but scaling shaders (ex: scalefx) will look ugly.

When using a low resolution, scaling shaders (scalefx) look great but high res games and and the workbench are badly rendered (but still usable).

Known Bugs

  • When load savestate, exiting GUI without reset. You have to re-enter GUI and do the reset.
  • It's a debug release, so expect bugs.

Emulators: UAE4ALL2, UAE4ARM

UAE4ALL2 is no longer developed and we recommend using UAE4ARM on the Raspberry Pi.


Accepted File Extensions: .adf

UAE4Arm also supports: .dms .exe .rp9 and compressed formats .zip .adz

Place your Amiga disks images in


The emulator comes with a free AROS rom that will work for running many games and demos.

If you want to use a kickstart 1.3, 2.0, 3.1 rom place your kick13.rom, kick20.rom, kick31.rom files in

kick13.romKS ROM v1.3 (A500,A1000,A2000) rev 34.5 (256k)82a21c1890cae844b3df741f2762d48dc4f0f55f
kick20.romKS ROM v2.04 (A500+) rev 37.175 (512k)dc10d7bdd1b6f450773dfb558477c230c3bdb240
kick31.romKS ROM v1.3 (A1200) rev 40.68 (512k)646773759326fbac3b2311fd8c8793ee1483a091


These are hardcoded currently. This initial mapping was chosen as it's somewhat similar to MAME, and should mostly work on any controllers that use that input mapping (such as the picade). Joypad/Joystick is currently untested.

in game:

Launch it from Emulation Station, and you get the GUI where you can configure disks/roms/memory and insert adf images into the virtual floppy disk drives.

Video Tutorial

Launching games directly from EmulationStation

Script for creating configuration files

Here you will find a script, and the necessary configuration files according to different version of UAE4arm, for creating game configuration file:


On EmulationStation, AMIGA, open '+Start UAE4Arm' and save a profile with random name then open the file and check the number in the parameter 'config_version'. Download the correct configuration file from previous link then rename it in 'config.uae' and copy it, together with 'AGCC.sh' (also download this from previous link), on Raspberry Pi. AGCC.sh uses the 'config.uae' file in order to create games configuration and (if you want) you can edit it. For default behavior emulator is searching for kickstart 2.04 in /microsoft-office-word-2007-free-download-full-version-mac.html.


renamed in 'kick20.rom', so you have to rename your kickstart or edit 'config.uae'.

Also follow these steps:

sudo nano /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg

and edit the tag for 'amiga' emulator in this way:

<extension>.sh .uae .SH .UAE</extension>

Thensudo nano /opt/retropie/configs/amiga/emulators.cfg

and edit the line in this way:


uae4arm = 'pushd /opt/retropie/emulators/uae4arm/; ./uae4arm -f %ROM%'

Amiga Kickstart Rom 1.3 Download

Point attention to the floppy image extension (case-insensitive): .adf, .adz, .dms, .ipf, .zip

For game with multiple disks rename them in this way:

Game bla bla bla (Disk 1 of N).adf
Game bla bla bla (Disk 2 of N).adf
Game bla bla bla (Disk N of N).adf

in other words change ONLY the floppy identifier.

Note: The old script from Mark Dunning has a problem with games with more than 9 floppies (creates others wrong config files) and creates a config file with name like 'Game bla bla bla (Disk 1 of N).uae'. This new app create only 1 file for a multiple disk game with the exact name of the game, 'Game bla bla bla.uae'

Amiga Kickstart Rom Download Mac

Other solution

Amiga Kickstart 1.2 Rom Download

Alternatively, a native BASH script to perform the same steps directly on the RetroPie machine can be found here:https://github.com/Douggernaut/RetroPieAssistant/tree/master/Amiga

Download Amiga Kickstart Roms

Tips and troubleshooting

  • Stuttering? Amiga systems/games are PAL (50Hz), but modern TVs typically default to a 60Hz mode when connected to a Raspberry Pi. Enter the RunCommand menu for your Amiga emulator, and select a valid mode that uses a 50Hz refresh rate in order to match the original PAL rate, and thus, eliminate stuttering.
  • Some games work better with the '512Kb Chip' + '512Kb Slow' memory configuration rather than the default A500 '1MB Chip'. If your game crashes or fails to load, change the memory settings in the 'CPU RAM' tab of the UAE4ALL2 GUI.
  • Some games do not work properly if more than one floppy drive is in use. If your game crashes or fails to load try to use just DF0 (change disc image during game if required) and not use DF1, DF2 and DF3.

Free Amiga Kickstart Download

  • For Raspberry Pi 1 users - make sure you overclock your device. Amiga emulation works much faster when overclocked to maximum. Without overclocking some games do not run at full speed.